Northwest Intermountain Synod, ELCA

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Synod E-News · 7/1/20

Lugala Lutheran Hospital · COVID19 Relief Appeal

Please help our friends in the Ulanga Kilombero Diocese and the Lugala Lutheran Hospital in Tanzania prepare for COVID19. The hospital perpetually operates on a very tight budget, and funds are very limited for purchasing supplies. Hospital administrators compiled a list of needed supplies —PPE, oxygen masks, and oxygen concentrators—totaling $15,000 in value. The Global Mission Committee of the Northwest Intermountain Synod approved sending $5,000 we had in reserve for the hospital, which nearly depletes the fund.

We are seeking gifts to restore the Lugala Hospital funds, with the immediate need being $10,000 for purchase of COVID19 supplies and equipment.

You can donate online here, or mail a check earmarked for Lugala Hospital to:

Northwest Intermountain Synod
245 E 13th Ave, Suite A
Spokane, WA 99202

Asante sana! Thank you very much!
Global Mission Lugala Hospital Appeal

Trinity Lutheran, Pullman in the News

On Wednesday, June 10, Trinity Lutheran in Pullman partnered with 2nd Harvest to distribute food to over 400 families in the community!

Click here to read the article in the Moscow-Pullman Daily News.

Upcoming Events

"Advocacy Tools for Loving Your Neighbor" | July 9 · 12:30pm EDT

This is an online training event jointly hosted by The Episcopal Church and Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to equip you. Both Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry and Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, plus advocacy leaders from both denominations, will take part.

Registration: (until capacity reached) 

Explore the nature of faith-based advocacy, the issues to which we can speak, and the ways we can make our voices heard. Rostered ministers, Lutherans, Episcopalians and friends are welcome to the free webinar and will leave with tools and inspiration to make a difference.

Virtual Event
8 Lakes Leg Aches Bike Ride | July 11—18, 2020

Due to social distancing guidelines to reduce the spread of COVID-19, we made the difficult decision to change our 8 Lakes Leg Aches Bike Ride to a Virtual event to protect participants, event partners, volunteers, and staff. While none of us can enjoy large gatherings, keeping active and exercising is a key element in staying healthy.

This is a self-guided, self-supported bike ride.  Ride a stationary bike, ride around town, or ride the 8 Lakes course. You can participate in your own area at your own comfort. Each participant receives a Goody Bag with snacks, water, and Gatorade, a certificate for 2-slices of David’s Pizza, and purchased swag. We will mail swag to out-of-town participants purchasing t-shirts, jersey, or socks.
Click here for more information.

Ministry in a Digital Age | various dates

COVID-19 has led countless churches to do digital ministry for the first time.

But knowing how to livestream a service is just the beginning.

Now we need to make sure we understand the culture of the digital age—and how to reach people who are more and more connected. This four-part webinar series will help you build on what you've already learned during this time of physical distancing so that you can evolve your ministry practices for a world that lives online.

This webinar series is hosted by Luther Seminary on the following dates at Noon (CDT)

  • July 13, 2020

  • July 20, 2020

  • July 27, 2020

  • August 3, 2020

Click here for more information and to register.

Virtual Event
Ibram X. Kendi on “How to be an antiracist” | July 20, 7PM (Edt)

2019 Guggenheim Fellow and New York Times bestselling author Ibram X. Kendi will discuss his renowned book “How to Be an Antiracist” on Monday, July 20 at 7:00 p.m. with Dr. Charlene M. Dukes, president of Prince George’s Community College. Dr. Dukes is the first African-American woman to serve as president of the College and has 30 years of progressive leadership experience and administrative responsibility in higher education. The conversation will be streamed live online on Crowdcast, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter/Periscope, and will air on PGCC TV on a later date.
Read more and register here.

Community Embracing Diversity for Resilience Conference
August 6, 2020

Hosted by the LC Valley Resilience Coalition, this conference addresses trauma, resiliency, and diversity, with keynotes by Dr. Aurora Chang and Joe Nigel. There are several breakout sessions including a Resilience Building Workshop.
Click here for more information and to register.


Promoting Diversity, Creating Inclusion | Portico Course

In this course offered by Portico, explore the foundations of diversity and inclusion, including identities, discrimination, bias, and allyship. Understanding these important concepts will enable you to take practical steps individually and as an organization, creating an environment where everyone feels included and belongs.

Best Practices for Posting Your Services to Social Media | One License

In an article posted on May 22, 2020, One License provided best practices for posting services to social media. This short list addresses topics such as where to include copyright and licensing information in your video. Read the article here.