Northwest Intermountain Synod, ELCA

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Electing a Bishop

Electing a bishop is one of the most important responsibilities in the life of a synod in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and a key responsibility of the Synod Assembly. As an election, it is a process governed by the constitution, bylaws, and continuing resolutions of the synod; however, it is also a call process. As such, it involves discernment, from the perspective both of individual potential nominees and of the synod as a whole. Thus, engaging in prayerful reflection and seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit are indispensable aspects of the process of nomination and election.

The Bishop Election Committee is busy working. The Synod Website will be the place to get information as it is available. The first item is now available and lays out the Bishop Election Process and hopefully will answer your initial questions.  Additional information will be posted there as it is available.