Northwest Intermountain Synod, ELCA

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UKD Flood Response- Global Mission Team

Could It Be That We Are Called For Such A Time as This…

Dear Siblings in Christ,

Our companion synod, the Ulanga Kilombero Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, has been greatly impacted by severe rains and flooding. Many of you have seen the pictures and video via Facebook posts of the flooding at Lugala Hospital, Tumanini Seminary, the city of Ifakara, and surrounding areas.

Our synod Global Mission team asked directly - “How can we help?” Bishop Renard Mtenji and the leaders in the UKD, many of whom have visited with us, responded with a detailed list. Medicines needed for the hospital and region, food for the schools, resources for restoring the infrastructure - all immediate needs as the flood recedes and their hard work begins. The total of this request is about $34,000 USD. Your Synod Council authorized this fundraiser to address these needs.

We are asking each congregation to continue to pray for the people of the UKD region, the hospital and schools there, and for everyone to collect a special offering on Sunday, June 9th. By quickly responding, the work in Tanzania can begin immediately. Other international aid will take much longer and not always get to the rural districts in a country like Tanzania. Your help will have a direct impact on the lives of students, patients, and families.

Our DEM, Pastor Liv Larson Andrews, has been teaching us all this song from the new worship resources, All Creations Sings:

‘Could it be, that we are called, for such a time as this.’

Yes! I believe that this is our opportunity to respond. Any funds received over the goal will be split 50/50, with Lutheran World Relief for use in Tanzania and our synod to accumulate flood response funds for anticipated future needs.

May God continue to watch over the UKD, eastern Africa, and all peoples affected by the rains and floods. May we find ways to respond, to pray, and support our siblings in the UKD.


Pastor Wayne Shipman

On behalf of your NWIM Global Mission Team