Northwest Intermountain Synod, ELCA

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Interviews with Lay Ministry Associates from the Montana Synod

Our synod staff and council have been working to build interest in neighboring Montana Synod’s Lay Ministry Associate program (previously named Lay Pastoral Associate). We hope to have registration forms rolling out later this summer. We have announced our in-synod in-person retreat Preach, Pray, Preside dates (last weekend of October in Spokane). This retreat will be one way we supplement the online learning with the Montana Synod. But what might a person do after they go through the LMA two-year program? What does that time and training prepare you to do? Synod Council and All Saints Lutheran, Spokane member Keely Eschbenacher conducted interviews with three different LMAs. Each of these individuals is embodying ministry in unique ways.

Thank you Keely! Enjoy and spread the word: