The following is an outline of the process for calling a Bishop to the Northwest Intermountain Synod based on our constitution (direct quotes from the constitution are in quotation marks).

Spiritual Perspective on the Process

While employing some of the same tools commonly used in the election of officers, the process of calling a Bishop is much more a discernment and selection process led by the Holy Spirit.  It is a process that asks us, “What is God’s will for the Northwest Intermountain Synod and whom can we call to help lead us on the journey?”  This is an important distinction from the political campaigns of society around us.   But as the church, we are called to be different.

Who elects the Bishop?

The Bishop will be elected by the voting members at the Northwest Intermountain Synod Assembly scheduled to be held April 28-30, 2023 in Pasco.

Who can serve as Bishop?

“The bishop shall be a pastor who is an ordained minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.”   They are not required to be serving in a call in the Northwest Intermountain Synod at the time of election.

What is the term of office for Bishop?

“The bishop of this synod shall be elected to a term of six years and may be reelected.”

What are the Bishop’s primary responsibilities?

Chapter 8 of the Northwest Intermountain Synod Constitution outlines the responsibilities of the Bishop.  The Bishop serves as the synod’s pastor and is called to administer sacraments, preach, provide pastoral care, ordain, install, advise and counsel, interpret and advocate, and serve as the synodical ecumenical officer.  The Bishop also serves as the synod’s chief executive and administrative officer, overseeing and administering the work of the synod and supervising the leadership of other officers and staff.

How are candidates nominated?

“Each cluster may submit up to three names of those whom they wish to nominate for the office of bishop…”. Clusters will meet in January to nominate candidates.

How do candidates consent to their nomination?

Each cluster “shall submit written vitae for each nominee, said vitae to adhere to a format established by the elections committee”.  The Bishop Election Committee will provide forms to be filled out by each nominee (including biographical data, open ended questions, background check, disclosure form, etc.) and submitted by March 1, 2023.   Information on each candidate will then be available on the synod website by March 15, 2023.

How is the election conducted at Synod Assembly?

“Three-fourths of the votes cast shall be necessary for election on the first ballot.

The second ballot shall be limited to the seven persons (plus ties) who received the greatest number of votes on the first ballot, and two-thirds of the votes cast shall be necessary for election.

The third ballot shall be limited to the three persons (plus ties) who received the greatest number of votes on the second ballot, and 60 percent of the votes cast shall be necessary for election.

Prior to the casting of the third ballot, the three or more persons to appear on the ballot, if they are present, shall be invited to address the Assembly.

On subsequent ballots a majority of the votes cast shall be necessary for election. These ballots shall be limited to the two persons (plus ties) who receive the greatest number of votes on the previous ballot.”

Who conducts the Bishop election at Synod Assembly?

A representative from the ELCA Churchwide Office will conduct all aspects of the bishop election process during the Synod Assembly. 

Who will oversee the bishop election process from the Northwest Intermountain Synod?

The Northwest Intermountain Synod Council appointed a Bishop Election Committee to help insure a fair and impartial election and call process.  The members of the committee are:

  • Jerry Ethridge, Lord of Life, Kennewick, chair

  • Pastor Janine Goodrich, American, Newport

  • Melanie McQuaig, Grace, Wenatchee

  • Karla Olson, Peace, Otis Orchards 

What role can others play?

There is an important role for everyone in the Northwest Intermountain Synod to play in the selection and calling of the Bishop.   We ask that everyone in all our congregations would be in continual prayer about God’s will for the leadership of our Synod, as well as to listen and discern about God’s calling for the Synod and how we can best be the church together in the months and years ahead.   

Additionally, during the Fall of 2022 a survey will be conducted to gather information intended to help both voting members of the 2023 Synod Assembly and those discerning a call as Bishop of this synod understand the missional vision of the people of the synod.   All members of our synod are invited to participate. 

How can individuals and congregations learn more about the bishop election process?

Information will be posted to the synod website, nwimsynod.org.

Whom should I contact if I have additional questions about the Bishop election?

Please direct your questions to the Chair of the Bishop Election Committee or the Vice President of the Northwest Intermountain Synod.

Jerry Ethridge
Chair, Bishop Election Committee

Felicity Pittman
Vice President, Northwest Intermountain Synod