SHARE is an acronym for “Synodical Help and Response Endowment” Fund.
The SHARE Fund of the Northwest Intermountain Synod is established to provide additional resources to help congregations and other outreach ministries during times of change and/or development and to provide for the spiritual and emotional support of those on the Roster in our Synod.
The SHARE Endowment is managed on behalf of the Northwest Intermountain Synod by the ELCA Foundation (Pooled Trust, Endowment Management). The Executive Committee of the Synod is charged with overseeing SHARE and distributing assets.
Who is Eligible to Apply:
Other directly funded synod ministries.
By recommendation from Synod Committees i.e. Executive, Outreach, etc.
Congregations/agencies denied ELCA Outreach Grants may still qualify for funding through SHARE.
Requests must fall under two emphases that SHARE supports:
New mission congregations and mission endeavors
Congregations whose pastors/rostered leaders are in need
a) sabbatical, continuing education, which will enhance ministry and benefit the parish they serve,
b) death or illness in family.
Requests must include:
Clear Objectives for use of funds
Description of Congregational/Ministry site involvement.
How much time, effort and money the congregation is willing to put into the project.
Requests will not be funded for "ordinary" expenses of ministry.
Money will be disbursed to congregations/synod ministries, not to individuals.
SHARE Fund applications are available each January. The 2025 deadline is March 3.