Campus Ministry


Lutheran Campus Ministry serves state and private colleges and universities, promoting community, discipleship and service. By providing Lutheran Campus Ministry with the contact information for students, you help us let them know there is a place for them to bring their questions, doubts, joys and pain while they are away at school. LCM is a safe place on campus. A home away from home. Even if they never walk through the door, they have a space and a place and a contact to come to should they ever need it. ELCA campus ministry is a Lutheran ministry for students, faculty, staff and others on campus, not just a ministry for Lutherans. Welcome to your Lutheran Campus Ministry sites.

Greater Spokane Campus and Young Adult Ministry

 “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth…I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” ~Isaiah 43:19

God is up to something new in Spokane! Rev. Emily Kuenker was recently called by the Greater Spokane Campus and Young Adult Ministry Board to create a new faith community for students and young adults in the Greater Spokane area. Our prayer is that this will be a community of safety and connection where participants walk with one another in hospitality and humility, as together we examine what it means to be people of faith in the world. If you are between the ages of 18 and 40 we would like to invite you to come alongside us on this unique journey of cultivating meaningful connections and transformative community.

While we are in this season of creation, we continue our ministry at Eastern Washington University with SEED Ecumenical Campus Ministry.  Find SEED on EagleSync and look for upcoming events on the campus calendar. 

LCM @ University of Idaho

822 Elm St Moscow, ID 83843 | Facebook

 Lutheran Campus Ministry offers you…
…An opportunity to meet new friends. It is like a family…and we are always ready to adopt another sibling!
…A place to ask questions and deepen your faith. Questions and diversity are encouraged and respect of differences is expected.
…Ways to serve. Volunteer opportunities ranging from the student garden on campus, to helping out through area churches, to national service projects sponsored by Lutheran Student Movement.
…Free Food. Each Wednesday we gather at 6 p.m. to eat a meal together. Most programs at the Campus Christian Center offer free food as well.
…Worship and Bible Study. On Wednesdays, after our shared meal we continue our time together with Bible Study and periodically a worship service with Holy Communion.
…Pastoral Care and conversation.  Karla Neumann Smiley is available for conversation by drop-in or appointment.  Whatever is on your mind or heart, we can talk about it.

LCM @ Washington State University

820 NE B St Pullman, WA 99163 | Facebook

Lutheran Campus Ministry at WSU gathers on campus every Wednesday at 5:30 pm during the academic year for Wednesday evening Breathe gathering, dinner, community in the St. Thomas More social hall. LCM is a Christian community in the Lutheran tradition.