Northwest Intermountain Synod, ELCA

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E-News December 12, 2021


2022 Vital Congregations

Re-BOOT Camp

Launches January 13

The ELCA Congregational Vitality Team is excited to share an opportunity for congregations in seasons of transformation or renewal to discover fresh ways to scatter seeds! 

Pastors and congregations are encouraged to come as teams of 3 – 5 people for a time of inspiration, learning, planning, sharing, experimenting, visioning, and implementing. 

2022 Vital Congregations Re-BOOT Camp launches January 13th


  • January 13

  • January 27

  • February 3

  • February 17


  • 1:30pm – 3:00pm Eastern

  • 7:30PM – 9:00PM Eastern

You may choose the best time each day that works for you. All sessions will be recorded and available to all registered participants.

The registration cost is free.  Instead of paying to register, congregations and individuals are encouraged to be generous by sending an extra gift of Mission Support to your synod.


For more information contact:

Mary Morrow

Director for Evangelical Mission, Northwest Intermountain Synod

(208) 446-5207

Spring Regional Gathering Update

Dear folks of the Northwest Intermountain Synod,

Blessed Advent to you all. Work is continuing to be done in preparation for our three 2022 Regional Gatherings. We look forward to welcoming Linda Staats as our facilitator for each gathering. Linda’s specialty is cross-generational ministry and interactive workshops. You can learn more about Linda here. Our time together will be framed by Acts 16:6-15. In this passage, we join Paul and his companions as they strive to listen to where the Holy Spirit might be leading them, act with courage to follow, and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others. Ministry now, like then, requires similar practices and courage.

Ministry sites from across the Northwest Intermountain Synod are encouraged to bring as many people as possible to these gatherings. The cost will be $300/congregation, plus $10 for each individual. Those serving in specialized ministry should register with the congregation of which they are a member for a cost of $10. Lunch is included with registration. It is suggested you send a group including “golden age” participants in their retirement, wage earning participants in mid-life, young adults just starting out, and youth of any age. The workshop is very interactive, so even the youngest participant’s attention will be held. Working together you learn from and about each other. We are also working with Luther Heights Bible Camp and Camp Lutherhaven to provide some programming for school-aged youth. We plan to have child-care available for those with younger kids.

There are many details still in the works, including exact locations, covid precautions, and catchy theme 😊. What we do know, though, is that the 2022 Regional Gatherings will take place on the following dates. Each gathering will run from 10am-4pm, with doors opening at 9am.

  • April 30, 2022 — Pullman, WA

  • May 14, 2022 — Twin Falls, ID

  • May 21, 2022 — Moses Lake, WA

God’s peace be yours and we look forward seeing you this spring,

Pastor Phil Misner

Assistant to the Bishop


2022 Legislative Conference

 We invite you to join us for the 2022 Virtual Eastern Washington Legislative Conference. (Below is a bulletin inserts/promotional flier

The event will be held on Zoom from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 22.   Co-sponsored by The Fig Tree, Catholic Charities of Eastern Washington, the Faith Action Network (FAN), Earth Ministries and the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia, the conference informs people of faith on issues coming in the upcoming session of the Washington State Legislature and ways to be involved.

Keynote speaker Fr. Pat Conroy SJ, is chaplain at Gonzaga University and for 10 years served as chaplain for the House of Representatives. He will share insights on the theme "Mobilizing for Our Future."

Four interfaith panelists, moderated by Anastasia Wendlinder, professor of Religious Studies at Gonzaga University, are Melissa Opel of the Spokane Buddhist Temple; Jeremy Press Taylor of the Spokane Jewish community; Naghmana Sherazi of the Islamic Community, and Benjamin Watson, pastor of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church. They will discuss how their faith communities mobilize for action, what issues are priorities and where they need solidarity.

Participants may attend two workshops, also on Zoom and recorded. The sessions are on issues related to Climate Change, Housing and Homelessness, Food Security, Refugees and Border Issues, Human Trafficking, Education and Equity, and Securing Our Democracy.

A “Legislative Briefing” on the status of 2022 legislation proposals will be led by Kristin Ang of FAN, Donna Christensen of the Washington State Catholic Conference, and Jessica Zimmerle of Earth Ministry/Interfaith Power and Light.

Participants need to REGISTER IN ADVANCE to receive the link.

Those interested in registering may send a donation of $20, or $15 each for group of 5+, or rsvp for scholarship

Send a check and your email (for the link) to

The Fig Tree, 1323 S. Perry St., Spokane, WA 99202.



For information, call 535-1813, email: 



Avenues for Hope


This year's campaign for TNH will help with landscaping around the houses, helping us preserve foundations for years to come. 





Our Siblings in Tanzania Need Us Now More Than Ever


Write Tumaini School in memo


Thriving Leadership Formation seeks Coaches and Spiritual Directors to provide coaching and spiritual direction to church leaders. California Lutheran University received a $1 million, five-year grant from the Lilly Endowment to create the program in partnership with its own Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and the 11 ELCA synods of Regions 1 and 2. Cohorts of church leaders began meeting in 2020 to provide support, connection, and engage in spiritual practices. This coming year, Cohort Leaders and participants will be eligible for coaching and spiritual direction sessions as part of the grant. We are seeking a pool of coaches and spiritual directors for that purpose. Interested applicants should complete an online application (below). Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Thank you for your interest! Please contact with questions.



Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton

I remember this jarring image: It was the Christmas Eve candlelight service at my home congregation. A banner depicting Mary and Jesus in the manger had been hung from the ceiling at the front of the nave completely obscuring the large suspended cross. I had seen that banner on Sunday mornings, but on this Christmas Eve in the semidarkness something else appeared. A spotlight that illumined the cross now shown on the banner with the effect of making the outline of the cross appear as the background of the Christmas scene.

The cross on Christmas? I didn’t want the crucified Christ casting a shadow on the Christ child. Christmas is about angels and shepherds and the babe, lying in a manger, not betrayal and death. I didn’t like it.

continue reading...

"The hope of Christmas is fulfilled on Good Friday."

Young Adults in Global Mission

Applications for the 2022-2023 YAGM service year will be open from Nov. 1, 2021 through Feb. 1, 2022. Priority will be given to those who apply before Jan. 15.

We are a church that believes God is calling us into the world – together. Come, imagine yourself in the world!