Enter the Bible is here to help everyday disciples and spiritual seekers engage Scripture in ways that are thoughtful, accessible, and faithful—with an aim to encourage and strengthen faith in the God revealed in the Old and New Testaments.
Religious Art
Art has always been important to me. My walls are the same neutral color as when I purchased this house in 2011, but each piece of wall art and each three-dimensional piece of art has been carefully selected and placed. Many of the pieces of art speak to my faith, either because they capture a biblical story or some place in the natural world.
Talks at the Desk, Fire in our Hearts, Courage in our Actions
A message from Liv Larson Andrews
February is Black History Month in the US, and so this kindling of faith for us is also a call to learning, repentance, and bold change. We are blessed to have a resource to help us stoke this fire in our hearts for ending racism: the ELCA YouTube series called Talks at the Desk.
Portico Offerings
Transterra Collective
Many mainline denominational churches are seeking faithful innovation amidst our changing ecclesial landscape. For example, 75% of churches in the Presbytery of the Inland Northwest have fewer than 100 members and are continuing to shrink. Inspired by the ecclesial imagination of other innovative congregations, some of these churches are seeking renewal and transformation by creating housing with their land to meet the needs of the community.
Are you looking for new ideas? Or new ways of bringing the Way of Jesus to people in your community? Or methods for becoming a more sustainable congregation financially? Or even how to adapt your worship practices to draw in younger generations by meeting their needs and desires? If so, here’s some good news - help is available!