Where might you go for resources on preaching or teaching Luke’s Gospel? About a year ago, I used this space to introduce a commentary on Mark’s Gospel and so I thought I would use this January column to name some of my favorite commentaries on Luke.
Advent Words
What is Grounding You?
I was reminded that one of the greatest gifts the body of Christ, which we call the church, can give to its members and our larger communities is the opportunity to take a breath, the gift of making space, and not just space but sacred space, space where we can bring our deepest longings to God and then be silent. In our singing and praying we make space.
Some writings and Clergy Appreciation
Accompanying our Indigenous Siblings
Reflections After One Year
Since preachers following both the Revised Common Lectionary and Narrative Lectionary were in Mark this year, it seems appropriate to revisit these all-important words near the beginning of the gospel. July 1, 2024, also marks one year of me serving as bishop of the Northwest Intermountain Synod and I have been reflecting on the many ways I have seen the reign of God coming near all across our synod.
Luther and Ministry in Daily Life
Why do we gather for worship, for Bible Study, for prayer? Why do we care about what is read and preached in our assemblies? We worship so we can collectively communicate with the Triune God. We also hope that we will be nourished for the time when, at the end of worship, we are sent forth into the world.
Find ways to celebrate how you and others in your congregation are being salt and light wherever you are.
These Things We Call Clusters
No one is going to prescribe exactly how to be a cluster. I have told the deans that I expect them to pull together the active rostered leaders every other month online or in person to check in on one another. Many rostered leaders do meet weekly or monthly in person for text study. Lay and rostered people should come together before regular synod assemblies, as our constitution states, though I celebrate those clusters that come together more often for business or recreation or worship.