Transterra Collective

Transforming faith-based land for community impact

 Denominational Leadership Services | Executive Summary


Many mainline denominational churches are seeking faithful innovation amidst our changing ecclesial landscape. For example, 75% of churches in the Presbytery of the Inland Northwest have fewer than 100 members and are continuing to shrink. Inspired by the ecclesial imagination of other innovative congregations, some of these churches are seeking renewal and transformation by creating housing with their land to meet the needs of the community.

Land stewardship of this kind, while needed in many places, can be daunting and complicated, both for the church and its denominational leadership. That’s why our team of pastors and development experts are launching Transterra Collective to assist in transforming faith properties for community impact. In addition to working directly with churches, we serve middle judicatories1 by helping their leaders discern and take action towards the highest and best stewardship of their church land. Whether you have active churches wanting to transform their buildings or vacant church buildings with which you want to explore community-oriented possibilities, our team is designed to help you discern and act.