Northwest Intermountain Synod, ELCA

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Greetings from Pastor Phil Misner

Dear people of the Northwest Intermountain Synod,

The calendar as turned to April, and our first Regional Gathering in Moscow, ID is scheduled for the final day of this month. Registration for all three gatherings is open, and I can’t wait to be with you all. You can find out more information, including registration here. Even with the three Regional Gatherings spread across the territory of the Northwest Intermountain Synod, most of us will need to journey across land and water to get to the gathering.

During our time together, we join Paul and his companions for a portion of his second missionary journey. On their journey through present-day Turkey and into Greece, Paul and friends strove to listen to where the Holy Spirit might be leading them. They encountered roadblocks and obstacles. They received new vision (or dreams) attributed to the Holy Spirit. They boldly acted…and they found themselves stalled out, waiting for what might be next. They forged new relationships and shared the good news of God’s love shown in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

Ministry back then sounds a lot like ministry in 2022. We certainly strive to listen to where the Holy Spirit might be leading us. We encounter roadblocks and obstacles. We look for new vision and dreams. We are called to act boldly and there are times where we feel like things have stalled out.

Perhaps the journey depicted in Acts 16 can serve as a map for the journeys on which we find ourselves.

You are invited to join us. There is still time and opportunity to register. A reminder that people of all ages are encouraged to attend and even more, children and youth will be an important aspect of our time together. Faith formation across the generations is a specialty of our facilitator for the day, Linda Staats. In addition, we are partnering with Luther Heights Bible Camp and Lutherhaven Ministries to ensure people of all ages are engaged. Childcare is available for the youngest among us as needed. The gatherings will be a fun and enlightening experience for all.

Registration - 9:00am-10:00 am

  • Welcome -10:00 am

  • Morning Sessions

  • Lunch Break

  • Afternoon Sessions

  • Sending - 4:00 pm

 I am grateful to be journeying with you.

Pastor Phil Misner

Striving to listen to where the Holy Spirit might be leading, acting with courage to follow, and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with others.