Northwest Intermountain Synod, ELCA

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Where Do We Go From Here?

Have you ever taken a road trip where you simply hop in the car and start driving, not really knowing where the road will take you, but willing to drive to wherever that is? There can be a sense of freedom in taking such a wild adventure. For most of us though, when we get into our car and put it in gear, we like to know where we’re heading. And if it’s a full-on road trip we plan the meals and overnight lodging and at the very least want to know where the next pit stop will be! We take comfort in knowing what’s ahead.

Where do we go from here? This is the question posed by many congregations, pastors, and leaders across the ELCA. The answer to that question will be different depending on the context in which you or your congregation finds itself. But for many there really isn’t a known definitive answer. And that is scary, and uncomfortable and we don’t like it one bit! We may even try to run away from it and find something we are certain of to hide behind, like doing things exactly like we did pre-pandemic.

This is NOT what Paul and his companions did when they didn’t know where to bring the gospel of Jesus in Acts 16:6-15. At the synod’s Regional Gatherings this spring we read, discussed, pondered, and even acted out this part of their journey. We heard about how they kept being stopped by the Holy Spirit from going this way or preaching the gospel in that place. Until finally, Paul receives a dream message of a man of Macedonia begging him to come there and help them. That sounds pretty clear and straightforward, but we all have experienced dreams that we attribute to overly active imaginations and by the next morning discount them entirely. Somehow, although it’s not explained in the text, Paul knew this was the Spirit’s leading and left at once with his companions for Macedonia.

There are many ways to listen for God’s leading both for our lives and our congregations’ mission. You know some of these and perhaps practice them daily. In our congregations, we gather, we pray, we commune and have fellowship while we seek comfort and sustenance and listen to where the Holy Spirit may be leading us. Where do we go now, Lord?

This question along with ways to listen for answers is at the heart of Faithful Innovation, which some of our congregations have been practicing this past year. It is a process to help us develop deeper connections with God, each other, and our neighbors. A learning community made up of congregational teams from across our synod, uses spiritual practices of listening, discernment, and trying small experiments to help us discover what God is up to and how we can partner with God in our communities. Yes, the Holy Spirit may use dreams and surprise you one night with a clear vision of your next step. To actively listen for God’s leading, consider bringing a team to a Faithful Innovation Learning Community. God has surprises in store for us if we but pause to listen, take the next step, and share the dream with others along the way.

Register by July 12

Joy on the journey,

Mary Morrow
Director for Evangelical Mission