
Grant Writing for Congregations - Webinar

Monday, August 19
6-7 pm Central time

This webinar will explore both the technical side of grant writing (what are you funding, and why?) as well as the process of finding grant opportunities and deciding if you fit the criteria. Finding opportunities and writing grant applications can be intimidating, but it’s rewarding to bring to life something new for your community.

Its May. Let's Be

Maybe one of your stewardship initiatives this summer is to highlight how those in your community are being Christ wherever they may be: on vacation, at camp, out for a hike. Collect some stories from those who are taking your community with them as they travel. Share these stories in the bulletin and on social media (with permission, of course) as a witness to how your community forms and shapes people as divine ambassadors of Christ’s love for the world, no matter where they happen to be.

Luther and Ministry in Daily Life

Why do we gather for worship, for Bible Study, for prayer? Why do we care about what is read and preached in our assemblies? We worship so we can collectively communicate with the Triune God. We also hope that we will be nourished for the time when, at the end of worship, we are sent forth into the world.

Find ways to celebrate how you and others in your congregation are being salt and light wherever you are.

UKD Flood Response- Global Mission Team

Pastor Wayne Shipman
On behalf of your NWIM Global Mission Team

Our companion synod, the Ulanga Kilombero Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, has been greatly impacted by severe rains and flooding. Many of you have seen the pictures and video via Facebook posts of the flooding at Lugala Hospital, Tumanini Seminary, the city of Ifakara, and surrounding areas.