When your annual budget is approved, a friendly reminder if there are any changes to compensation or staff, be sure to update this information on Portico’s EmployerLink website.
At Home Over-the-Counter COVID-19 Tests
Details are emerging daily for our ELCA-Primary members. You can find the most up to date information on our website: At-Home Over-The-Counter COVID-19 Tests (porticobenefits.org).
BSA Bankruptcy
Congregations may have received information from the Boy Scouts of America (the “BSA”) including a “Plan Solicitation” package concerning voting on its proposed chapter 11 plan of reorganization (the “Plan”) and/or whether that congregation wishes to opt out of the treatment provided in the Plan for “Chartered Organizations.”
ELCA Churchwide Attorneys have prepared this information overview to help member congregations. It is not legal advice and should not be considered as such. Please retain and consult with an attorney if your congregation needs or wants legal advice concerning the BSA and its Plan. Under the polity and structure of the ELCA, each Chartered Organization (such as each individual congregation) must make its own independent decision, and the ELCA cannot give legal advice or dictate what a congregation should do.
Talking points on ELCA social teaching regarding vaccination during a pandemic
2021 SHARE Grants
The synod office is accepting applications for 2021 SHARE Grants. Contact office@nwimsynod.org to request an application. Learn more about the SHARE Fund here.
California Lutheran University • Resources & Upcoming Events
Portico • Benefits Calculator
Looking for the calculators to estimate the cost of benefits? You can now find them by signing in to the newly redesigned EmployerLink website, or on myPortico. They’ve been moved behind sign-in as part of our efforts to make our sites more secure.
Portico • Update January 2021
If the holidays or the pandemic have you tipping the scales a little more these days, ELCA-Primary health plan members can utilize Omada, a free innovative digital program designed to help create modest changes that promote weight loss and help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Omada’s specialized care programs offer eligible members individualized support to stay on track and maintain healthy habits. Learn more about Omada on myPortico.