Oct. 23-Nov. 11, five of us traveled to our companion synod in southern Tanzania, the Ulanga Kilombero Diocese. I am eternally grateful to Deacon Heidi and Dan Cryer (Lord of Life Lutheran, Kennewick) and Pastor Ethan and Carla Bergman (Grace Episcopal, Ellensburg) for being amazing travel companions. I tried to document the trip well in real time on my blog (megganmanlove.com), but I will share a few reflections here as well.
Summary of 2023 Bishop’s Convocation
Blessed with beautiful fall weather, we gathered for fall Convocation in Clarkston, Washington, on the lands of the Nez Perce (Niimipuu) peoples. We began with worship. Bishop Meggan Manlove preached and we installed Liv Larson Andrews as Director of Evangelical Mission. After sharing the Eucharist, we welcomed Vance Blackfox as our keynote speaker. He led us through some embodied work called the Blanket Exercise. This powerful, challenging experience set the tone for several meaningful days of learning. This learning continued the next day with a deeply informative lecture called Indian 101.
November Message from Pastor Phil
Oftentimes, darkness is seen in a negative connotation. This is true in Scripture as well. That said, there are also instances when darkness is seen in a more positive light (pun intended). There are occasions in the Bible that night and darkness are times of revelation, of divine presence, and of promise.
At this fall’s Bishop’s Convocation we had the opportunity to sing “Bless This Night” together.
E-News 11-6-2023
It may feel a bit early, especially for you preachers and worship planners reading this, for me to be writing about the Year of Mark, which begins Dec. 3, the First Sunday of Advent. I assume I will want to use my next column to write about the trip to our companion synod in Tanzania. So, onto Mark.
E-News 10-16-2023
We might say that following Jesus is “easy as pie.” Meaning, of course, it’s not easy at all. But just as a whole pie isn’t meant to be eaten alone, the life of faith is meant to be communal, shared. As my training week continued, I looked around to find others on the journey with me. Together, we were overwhelmed. (I lost count of how many references people made to drinking from a firehose.) Together, we found we still had hopes about the church. And together, we began sharing stories.
E-News 10-2-2023
The overarching theme of Philippians is the joy we have in Jesus Christ. There is so much that is still broken in our communities and cosmos and sometimes both the small conflicts and large injustices can overwhelm. I cannot continue the work of witnessing to the love of Jesus Christ with words and actions without reminders that the good news is for me too, and that the joy Paul writes of is ours.