Synod E-News · 4/14/2020


Well. Easter was weird, wasn't it?

In many ways, I feel like I'm still waiting...waiting at the foot of the cross...waiting at the tomb...waiting.

I spent some time yesterday reflecting on the Resurrection account from Mark's gospel. The original ending, not the tweaked version.

In that version of the Easter story, the women come to the tomb as usual. Jesus is not there (also as usual). And there is an angel that tells them to not be afraid (again: as per usual). But here is where Mark's telling of the story differs: "The women made their way out and fled from the tomb bewildered and trembling; but they said nothing to anyone, because they were so afraid."

Bewilderment. Trembling. Fear.

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Parochial Reports

This is a reminder to submit Forms A and C of the Parochial Reports. The forms can be accessed here: If you need your congregation password, contact the synod office.

COVID-19 Response Fund

COVID-19 Response.png

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) provides ministry to its members, to those who are hurting and searching for peace, and to those in need. To continue this important work, the church needs your help.

With congregations and ministries across the country, and a network of companion churches and partners in over 70 countries around the world, we anticipate this crisis will affect us all. In the United States, unemployment has soared. We see rising demands on our food pantries, homeless shelters and social services. Around the world, millions of people living in poverty are facing this pandemic without reliable access to sanitation and health care.

Now is a time when we need one another. Now is a time to live and act as faithful people of God.

You can help by supporting your congregation and making a gift to the ELCA’s COVID-19 Response Fund. Your donation will provide funds to the ministries of the ELCA most in need and best positioned to help. This includes our congregations as well as local and churchwide ministries capable of reaching and assisting those in need.

Freed in Christ

In her April column for Living Lutheran, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton reflects on this paradox found in Martin Luther’s treatise On the Freedom of a Christian: “A Christian is lord of all, servant of all, completely free of everything. A Christian is servant, completely attentive to the needs of all.”

Read her column in English at and in Spanish at

Upcoming Events

*FRIDAY* Work Loss in a Pandemic · Webinar | April 17, 2020

Join The Center for Public Justice at 2pm EDT for a webinar on what CARES Act changes to unemployment insurance could mean for faith-based employers and workers in the sacred sector. The U.S. unemployment rate is surging, and faith-based organizations and their workers are feeling the effects.

The webinar will include a deep dive on:

  • How the sacred sector is affected by loss of work

  • How the CARES Act changed the unemployment insurance system

  • How states are adapting (or not adapting) to pandemic unemployment conditions 

  • What CARES Act unemployment changes mean for individuals and faith-based organizations  

Register Here

Information Security · Webinar | April 21, 2020

ELCA congregations and synods are invited to a free webinar on Tuesday, April 21, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Central Time.

Chris Hueneke, information security advisor for the ELCA churchwide organization, will host the webinar, covering these topics: how to avoid phishing email attacks, protect sensitive data and prevent malware infections, and what to do if your data has been breached.

Click here for more information.

Rostered Ministers Gathering | July 20-23, 2020

Registration is open for the 2020 Rostered Ministers Gathering! All ELCA rostered pastors and deacons are invited as we gather under the theme “Rekindle the Gift Within You” (2 Timothy 1:6).

The gathering includes over 100 workshops, an expansive Interaction Center, daily worship and keynote presentations. Early registration is $245 (through May 20). Three conference hotels offer a rate of $139/night plus tax. A limited number of scholarships are available. Visit for more information.

“God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday | September 13, 2020

This day is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.

Service activities offer an opportunity for us to explore one of our most basic convictions as Lutherans: that all of life in Jesus Christ – every act of service, in every daily calling, in every corner of life – flows freely from a living, daring confidence in God’s grace.

  • View resources to guide your congregation’s planning, promotion and more.

  • For more information, click here.


PLTS PrayerSpace | Thursdays 4pm - 5pm PDT

Weekly, beginning April 16, 2020

PLTS PrayerSpace, a new venture by the Office of Seminary Relations, is an open invitation, weekly Zoom meeting to gather those who wish to pray virtually with others. The basis for the establishment of this new PrayerSpace is Jesus’ command, “Seek and you shall find.” We believe that distance of those praying from one another or from the objects of their prayers is not an obstacle for God. We have confidence in God’s desire to heal. Participants will be able to bring their own prayer concerns to the group while also praying the concerns of others. The experience is envisioned to be similar to the laying on of hands, done over the internet. PrayerSpace will be moderated by staff and faculty of PLTS, under the leadership of Pastor Brian Stein-Webber. Prayer concerns may involve individuals, groups, movements or the whole global community of life. You are invited to simply show up in PrayerSpace and/or send in your prayer requests to

Prayers received each week by 2 pm on Thursdays will be prayed that day in our PrayerSpace.

If you have questions, you may contact Pastor Brian Stein-Webber at

For more information:

Upcoming Webinars from ALOA
Adult Lutherans Organized for Action

Each webinar features a knowledgeable older adult ministry leader covering a single topic and providing information on available resources. All webinars are free and last approximately 60 minutes. If you can't be available for the live webinar, sign up anyway and we will email you a link to the recording and associated resources.

  • Elders Rising: Ministry with Older Adults on the New Frontier of Aging
    April 23, 2020 – Noon ET
    An “age wave” of huge proportions and life-changing impact is washing over us, dramatically changing both the number and the quality of older adults among us. Roland D. Martinson, emeritus vice president and dean at Luther Seminary, will explore this new frontier of aging and the opportunities and challenges it provides for ministry and the revitalization of congregational life and mission. There will be opportunity for questions. Register now.

  • The Village Model in Faith Communities
    May 21, 2020 – Noon ET
    Carolyn Ross, ALOA Board President and Executive Director of Care Connections Network (CCN), discusses how congregations can adapt the grassroots, community-based Village Model to serve the older adults in their congregations. CCN, a social ministry of Lutheran Church of the Resurrection in Huntington Beach, CA, offers older adults support so that they are able to age in their own homes and communities as they continue lives of purpose and promise. There will be opportunities for questions. Register now.

  • What Makes a Successful Congregational Ministry to Older Adults?
    May 21, 2020 – Noon ET
    Round table discussion with four leaders from diverse areas of the country on what they see as key to older adult ministry in their congregation. The discussion will be moderated and there will be opportunities for questions. More information and a registration link will be available soon on our webinar page.

Check out our past webinar archive at