Synod E-News · 5/8/2020

United in baptism. Living Lutheran | May, 2020

In a time of physical distancing due to the coronavirus, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton reminds us that we aren’t islands—we are united in baptism. In her May column, she writes: “We don’t have to go it alone. In fact, we cannot, because, in Christ, we are knit into one body. And just as surely as Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one—this wildly mysterious community of the Trinity—so are we one.” Read her column in English at and in Spanish at

Lutheran Disaster Response: Flooding in Tanzania

Situation: On January 18, 2020, heavy flooding began in the Lindi Region of Tanzania. Throughout March and April, continuous rains worsened the floods. More than 35,900 residents lost their homes and farms and 5,000 hectares of crops were destroyed. Infrastructure, such as water and sewage systems and roads, was also damaged. A state of emergency has been declared in the region as residents struggle for food and shelter.

Response: The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania is assisting families affected by the floods. With the support of Lutheran Disaster Response, food, mosquito nets, and tents will be distributed to participants. Communities will be provided with fruit tree seedlings as barriers for future floods. Workshops educating families on environmental conservation and protection in order to mitigate environmental destruction in the area are also being planned.

How you can help:

  • Pray: Let us pray for the people who have been affected by the flooding in Tanzania. May God’s healing presence give them peace and hope in their time of need.

  • Give: Contribute to Lutheran Disaster Response (give where needed most).

  • Connect: Share Lutheran Disaster Response posts on your social media sites and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Upcoming Events

Social Distancing, Not Social Isolation: A Family Systems Perspective | Various Dates

The COVID-19 pandemic is spreading anxiety throughout the world. Social distancing has been the prescribed method for "flattening the curve," so as not to overwhelm the health care system. However, for some, social distancing has resulted in feelings of isolation. Such "radical aloneness" can have a debilitating impact on some people, with both psychological and physiological implications.

In the midst of such anxiety and potentially debilitating consequences for some people, there is also an opportunity for church leaders to reach out to people in a spirit of care and compassion.

  • Webinar: May 14, 2020 - Click here for more information and to register.

  • Webinar: May 27, 2020 - Click here for more information and to register.

The Village Model in Faith Communities | May 21, 2020
Noon (eastern)

Carolyn Ross, ALOA Board President and Executive Director of Care Connections Network (CCN), discusses how congregations can adapt the grassroots, community-based Village Model to serve the older adults in their congregations. CCN, a social ministry of Lutheran Church of the Resurrection in Huntington Beach, CA, offers older adults support so that they are able to age in their own homes and communities as they continue lives of purpose and promise. There will be opportunities for questions. Register now.

This event is hosted by ALOA: Adult Lutheran Organized for Action. Check out their webinar archive at

What Makes a Successful Congregational Ministry to Older Adults? | May 21, 2020 - Noon (eastern)

Round table discussion with four leaders from diverse areas of the country on what they see as key to older adult ministry in their congregation. The discussion will be moderated and there will be opportunities for questions. More information and a registration link will be available soon on our webinar page.

This event is hosted by ALOA: Adult Lutheran Organized for Action. Check out their webinar archive at

“God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday | September 13, 2020

This day is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.

Service activities offer an opportunity for us to explore one of our most basic convictions as Lutherans: that all of life in Jesus Christ – every act of service, in every daily calling, in every corner of life – flows freely from a living, daring confidence in God’s grace.

  • View resources to guide your congregation’s planning, promotion and more.

  • For more information, click here.


Summer 2020 Online Program | The Grünewald Guild

There is so much that is out of our control these days. While we have come to the difficult decision that the way we are the Guild this summer needs to be different in light of Covid-19, what we also anticipate is that this opens the window of opportunity wide for people otherwise unable to come, perhaps also for those wanting a taste of the Guild before making a pilgrimage to our campus.

Please read the rest of our announcement about the summer program, which includes the thinking behind our decision and our plans for the creative ways we can be together.

If you live close enough to the Guild, there are even ways you can still be physically present at the Guild this summer!

How can we be about this mission of art, faith and community if we’re not together at the Guild?

Here comes the incredible news: Many of our favorite faculty (and perhaps your soon-to-be favorites!) have been about the thoughtful work of adapting their classes to online offerings.


Your community can still engage in this new VBS, even if you’re not meeting in person. Games, crafts and stories are easy to adapt for kids at home. Join the ELCA World Hunger VBS Facebook group to learn, share and create ideas with others.

The ELCA Federal Credit Union can be a Paycheck Protection Program resource for your congregation or ministry

With newly enacted legislation providing additional funding for the Paycheck Protection Program, the Mission Investment Fund has the opportunity to cooperate with our financial partner, the ELCA Federal Credit Union, in offering these loans.

The ELCA Federal Credit Union (ELCA FCU) is now a Small Business Administration-certified lender that can offer loans to congregations and ministries through the Paycheck Protection Program.  These loans can keep your congregation or ministry afloat by covering staff members’ pay and other operating expenses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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