Synod E-News · 5/16/2020

“God’s Work. Our Hands.” Sunday, September 13, 2020

On Sunday, Sept. 13, congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) will come together for “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday.

This year our church — and our world — are living through the COVID-19 pandemic. Physical distancing has changed the way we worship and serve. We miss gathering with family and friends to share God’s love in person. But the need is great, and God’s church is at work.

While we’re not sure what the impact of this crisis will look like in September, we continue to be church together.

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Upcoming Events

Webinar: Becoming the Body of Christ - Condemning White Supremacy | May 21, 2020 · 7 PM Eastern

Join Bishop Kevin Strickland of the Southeastern Synod, ELCA, on Thursday, May 21st 7-8:30pm EDT for a conversation around “Becoming the body of Christ where all bodies are valued: A conversation around the ELCA’s resolution to condemn White Supremacy.” Bishop Strickland will be joined by Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton. Other speakers joining our bishops will be: Pastor Tiffany Chaney, Pastor Ron Bonner, Ms. Roxann Thompson, Ms. Judith Roberts, Pastor Matt Steinhauer, and more.

We encourage you to read the ELCA’s resolution on the condemnation of White Supremacy prior to our call:

Click here to register.

The Village Model in Faith Communities | May 21, 2020
Noon (eastern)

Carolyn Ross, ALOA Board President and Executive Director of Care Connections Network (CCN), discusses how congregations can adapt the grassroots, community-based Village Model to serve the older adults in their congregations. CCN, a social ministry of Lutheran Church of the Resurrection in Huntington Beach, CA, offers older adults support so that they are able to age in their own homes and communities as they continue lives of purpose and promise. There will be opportunities for questions. Register now.

This event is hosted by ALOA: Adult Lutheran Organized for Action. Check out their webinar archive at

What Makes a Successful Congregational Ministry to Older Adults? | May 21, 2020 - Noon (eastern)

Round table discussion with four leaders from diverse areas of the country on what they see as key to older adult ministry in their congregation. The discussion will be moderated and there will be opportunities for questions. More information and a registration link will be available soon on our webinar page.

This event is hosted by ALOA: Adult Lutheran Organized for Action. Check out their webinar archive at

Social Distancing, Not Social Isolation: A Family Systems Perspective | Webinar: May 27, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is spreading anxiety throughout the world. Social distancing has been the prescribed method for "flattening the curve," so as not to overwhelm the health care system. However, for some, social distancing has resulted in feelings of isolation. Such "radical aloneness" can have a debilitating impact on some people, with both psychological and physiological implications.

In the midst of such anxiety and potentially debilitating consequences for some people, there is also an opportunity for church leaders to reach out to people in a spirit of care and compassion. Click here for more information and to register.


A Thriving Church | ELCA Synod Assembly 2020

A thriving church is one so convinced of the resurrection that we’re free to give our lives in service to others. Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton shares how the ELCA continues to thrive in country churches, cityscapes and places with no walls in this message for 2020 Synod Assemblies.


Online Runway ‘R’ Workshop | COnsultation to Clergy

A “Retirement Workshop” that isn’t about finances or investments, but about redefining your vision for life and for rediscovering a brand new chapter of possibilities that are ready for take off. What’s next on your horizon?

This workshop is now offered online:

  • June 10 and 17 (two half-day sessions) 9-11:50 AM (PDT)

  • September 8 and 15 (two half-day sessions) 9-11:50 AM (PDT)

Learn more and/or to register, click here.

If you have any questions, contact Phil Streufert at (206) 623-8193 or

Hammer & Dance | Weekly Publication

Hammer and Dance is a weekly publication prepared by our Region 1 Disaster Preparedness and Response Consultant, Dave Brauer-Rieke.

This week's Hammer and Dance is designed just to underscore a few of the questions I think we've matured into. "What are the cadences of the song we now sing? What are the harmonies and the major motifs?" Light reading, but it felt right this week.

Visit the the Region 1 Disaster Preparedness and Response website here: