Synod E-News · 5/29/2020

Presiding Bishop Eaton’s June 7 Sermon

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ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton will record a sermon which congregations and synods can include in their worship services on Sunday, June 7, The Holy Trinity. The video will be available to view and download on May 31 at and Bishop Eaton will read the gospel appointed for this day prior to the sermon. Local decisions can be made to use the reading on the video or invite another person to read the gospel instead.

 ELCA Worship will provide a resource that includes texts for a Service of the Word, appointed readings, corporate Prayers of Intercession, and hymn and song suggestions. Synods or congregations may adapt and use this resource to produce online worship offerings to surround Bishop Eaton’s sermon. This material is now available.

 ELCA Worship will continue to provide “Worship in the Home” via the ELCA Worship blog ( for those who make use of these resources for individual/family home devotions each week. On June 7th, “Worship in the Home” will include a link to watch Bishop Eaton’s sermon as part of these home devotions.

Lugala Lutheran Hospital Appeal

Our friends in the Ulanga Kilombero Diocese are preparing to manage Covid-19, which as of May 4 is in Tanzania but has yet to reach the UKD. Schools are closed, churches still meet using precautions, and the Lugala Lutheran Hospital is preparing to treat Coronavirus patients. The hospital perpetually operates on a very tight budget, and funds are very limited for purchasing supplies. Hospital administrators compiled a list of needed supplies — PPE, oxygen masks, and oxygen concentrators — totaling $15,000 in value. The supplies are available, but the hospital lacks the funds to make this purchase. The Global Mission Committee of the Northwest Intermountain Synod recently approved sending the $5,000 we had in reserve for the hospital, which nearly depletes this fund.

We are seeking gifts to restore the Lugala Hospital funds, with the immediate need being $10,000 for purchase of Covid-19 supplies and equipment.

Coronavirus will be devastating if it reaches the isolated and impoverished Ulanga Kilombero Diocese. Please help our partners prepare to safely treat patients.

Donate to the Global Mission fund online at or mail a check to:

Northwest Intermountain Synod
245 E 13th Ave, Suite A
Spokane, WA 99202

Earmark for Lugala Hospital

Asante sana! Thank you very much!

Click here to download a PDF of this appeal for the Lugala Hospital

Upcoming Events

LCS Northwest’s Online Fiesta! | May 30, 2020

Join us on Saturday, May 30, at 6PM (PDT) for an online FIESTA! Enjoy a 30- to 45-minute livestream program and participate in a wine-inspired online auction to support the work of LCS Northwest’s Immigration Counseling & Advocacy Program. Click here to RSVP!

ELCA Creation Care Ambassador Training | Jun 6, 2020
11:30 AM (Eastern)

Americans are growing more concerned about climate change. As they witness and experience impacts to their health, livelihoods, and communities, they are increasingly looking for guidance on solutions, from people in their daily lives – including faith leaders like you. This training will equip you with the knowledge, hands-on experience, and resources to speak and act confidently on climate change and solutions.

With this training, and a cohort of like-minded leaders, you will be able to engage your congregations and congregants, colleagues, the public, and policymakers to inspire climate solutions that help protect our families and communities now, and ensure a prosperous, just, and secure future. Register Here | Learn More

Virtual Town Halls
Revision of Definitions and Guidelines for Discipline | June 2020

As a member of this church, you are invited to participate in a series of digital town halls to offer feedback that the Committee on Appeals can use in revising Definitions and Guidelines. For more information and to register, please click here.

Town Hall Dates & Times (Eastern):

  • Wednesday, June 3 - 3:00 pm

  • Tuesday, June 9 - 7:00 pm

  • Thursday, June 18 - 3:00 pm

  • Thursday, June 25 - 8:00 pm

We encourage you also to participate in a brief survey that will allow you to give written feedback on Definitions and Guidelines for Discipline. The survey will be available for feedback through June 15.

“God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday | September 13, 2020

This day is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.

Service activities offer an opportunity for us to explore one of our most basic convictions as Lutherans: that all of life in Jesus Christ – every act of service, in every daily calling, in every corner of life – flows freely from a living, daring confidence in God’s grace.

  • View resources to guide your congregation’s planning, promotion and more.

  • For more information, click here.


passage: elca youth & young adults | Register now!

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PASSAGE connects recently graduated high school students from across the country with one another and young adult small group leaders. The communities formed through PASSAGE will be centered on mutual support and wrestling with faith and life in times of transition.

Our theme scripture for this ministry comes from Isaiah 43, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you”.

We are excited to connect high school seniors to peers, to the young adult ministry community, and to this "rite of passage" in a life of faith together.

Small groups meet online once a week for six weeks starting June 15. Registration will only be open until Sunday, June 7, so do not delay!

Webinar Recording
Becoming the Body of Christ - Condemning White Supremacy

The Southeastern Synod, ELCA hosted a conversation around “Becoming the body of Christ where all bodies are valued: A conversation around the ELCA’s resolution to condemn White Supremacy.” Bishop Strickland was joined by Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton. Other speakers included: Pastor Tiffany Chaney, Pastor Ron Bonner, Ms. Roxann Thompson, Ms. Judith Roberts, Pastor Matt Steinhauer, and more.

Participants were encouraged to read the ELCA’s resolution on the condemnation of White Supremacy prior to the call. It can be found here: Condemnation of White Supremacy and Racist Rhetoric.


Washington State Guidance — Phases 1 & 2
For Religious and Faith-Based Organizations

With frequent reports of spiritual gatherings becoming COVID-19 “superspreader” events in which a single service results in dozens of new COVID-19 infections, if possible, spiritual worship should continue to be done remotely or at a drive-in service. Click here to read the guidance, or visit to see what’s open and closed.

Information security webinar

A webinar on information security was recently presented to the ELCA churchwide organization. Watch the recording to learn how to avoid phishing email attacks, how to protect sensitive data and prevent malware infections, and what to do if your data has been breached. Find the video, slides and FAQS at