Mission Support

This letter was mailed to your congregation with the 3rd Quarter 2021 Statement of Mission Support. Please share in congregation newsletters so that all may witness the Holy Spirit’s presence across our synod territory!

“Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said:  “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.  And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:25-27

Greetings Siblings in Christ,

We live in times where strong language can be found throughout our society, language that can dismiss another person with a swift blow to one’s ego. Its challenging to hear such exchanges or to be the direct target of them. Sadly, it’s all too common these days and yet serves no real purpose. 

In the Luke verses above, Jesus’s language of hating family members and even life itself, is strong stuff as well. It makes clear that following Jesus is a costly business and not to be taken lightly! Jesus speaks these words to the large crowd hoping that some may hear him and think it’s worth paying the price. That discipleship may be challenging yet is worthwhile in what is gained from following Jesus. 

When was a time that you felt challenged as a follower of Jesus? Do you find it easy to “go through the motions” of belonging to a congregation without ever needing to think about paying a huge price? What have you gained from being a follower of Jesus? Read this passage in Luke 14 again as you consider these questions. This spiritual practice may help you renew your commitment to follow Jesus.

Another spiritual practice each of us undertakes, is making a financial commitment, tithing, to our congregation and its ministries. We do so because we belong to a local group of followers of Jesus. You freely share of your financial resources, just as you share your stories of hope from living your life in Christ. This sharing serves many through our local ministries; we touch people who have not heard the gospel and lives are changed and hope is renewed.

Your congregation’s 3rd Quarter Statement of Mission Support is attached. As you share this good news in your congregation, may it be a reminder of the price you all have chosen to pay to follow Jesus. Thank you for pausing to reflect on how this choice brings peace into our world and comfort to those in need. 

In gratitude,

Mary Morrow, Director for Evangelical Mission
Email:  mary.morrow@nwimsynod.org                                                        

With BishopKristen Kuempel

And Tami McHugh, Synod Treasurer