Thriving Leadership Formation New Cohort

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Thriving Leadership Formation New Cohort Starting Soon.


People in ministry in the Northwest Intermountain Synod of the ELCA AND ecumenical colleagues:

  • You desire to be grounded in your life, but are pulled in many directions.

  • You yearn for deep connection – to God, to others, to yourself – but are not sure where to start.

  • You are curious about spiritual practices – silence, deep listening, prayer – but are not very good at practicing them on your own.

 Together, we will learn again to pay attention to our lives and our communities and rediscover God’s sustaining presence in our midst.

We will gather on Zoom from 9:00-10:15 AM PACIFIC / 10:00-11:15 AM MOUNTAIN. Wednesday mornings Nov. 16 and 30, Dec. 7 and 14, then every other Tuesday beginning Jan. 4-Apr. 26 (with a Holy Week/Easter break). 


Contact Pastor Meggan Manlove at 

(208-318-4845) or fill out this INTEREST GOOGLE FORM.