Global Mission Newsletter | February

40 Days of Giving

For two years, as the world has reeled from the effects of a deadly pandemic, we have seen the number of hungry people around the world rise, watched as food pantries and soup kitchens expanded to serve an ever-growing number of guests, and longed for the time when we “will hunger no more, and thirst no more … and God will wipe away every tear from [our] eyes” (Revelation 7:16).

Thank you for all you are doing in your congregation and community to continue God’s work and to share the grace and love of Christ. We invite you to continue your work by connecting your congregation to the church’s global work to end hunger and poverty during ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving, which begins on Ash Wednesday, March 2.

We invite you to study, pray, reflect and give with your sisters and brothers during ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving — for our families, our neighbors and communities around the world.

Give to ELCA World Hunger

We invite you to commit to a giving goal for the Lenten season in support of ELCA World Hunger, set aside a portion each day, or make your gifts throughout the season as part of your regular Lenten practice. You may give through your church or by accessing this link:

A Way to Enhance Congregational Giving During Lent

One way to enhance giving in your congregations is to hand out M&M tubes on Sunday February 27. Invite the congregation to eat the M&M’s on Fat Tuesday, March 1. Then invite the congregation to fill the M&M tube with quarters, or dollars, and checks the rest of Lent. When Lent is over in April, dedicate a Sunday worship service to retrieve the full M&M tubes and send the proceeds to ELCA World Hunger.

To prepare for your Lenten journey, visit and download or order resources today.

ELCA World Hunger promotes the presence of God in all of creation because we are church together, working toward a just world where all are fed.

Lenten Blessings!