Preaching Resource

The Incarnational Preacher:
Proclaiming the Living Christ to Form a Living Faith

Have you explored the ELCA website and found many useful resources for ministry in your context? Here's one resource which is especially useful for lay preachers, new preachers or anyone looking for a 'fresh' and missional perspective on preaching. Download the E-book for free!

 The Incarnational Preacher: Proclaiming the Living Christ to Form a Living Faith, written by Rev. Dr. Dave Daubert, pastor of Zion Lutheran Church in Elgin, IL, author and nationally known speaker, consultant, coach and teacher. 

You can find the free E-book, on the ELCA website:  download here.

 His other books include Discipleship Guides for LutheransThe Invitational Christian, Lutheran Trump Cards, Living Lutheran, Reclaiming the ā€˜Vā€™ Word, and Seeing Through New Eyes. 

Pastor Dave's books are concise, practical and offer questions, study guides and action steps to forward in mission in your congregation and community. You can find more information at Day 8 Strategies,, and access books and resources from Dave.