Regional Gatherings - What, Why, and Who?

I have been reading instructor Grace Pomroy’s Stewardship Leaders Newsletter for at least five years. I know the word stewardship does not excite everyone as much as it does me, so let me state clearly that there has always been something unique about Pomroy’s approach to generosity and stewardship. It is holistic, includes both data and stories, creative (but not trendy), and it is always grounded in scripture and prayer. Last summer, when I read the draft of her forthcoming book, I loved the way she started with the Ezra 3:10-13 passage and also began each chapter with Dwelling in the Word (similar to Lectio Divina). Over the years, I learned that Pomroy’s seminary students do case studies on the various ways churches are finding or creating funding streams beyond the Sunday offering. So, when she said she was available to present at our three regional gatherings this spring, I was elated.

The regional gatherings are something I have been excited about since the idea first arose. Full-disclosure, I was one of the original three authors of the resolution that moved us into this experiment. I wonder sometimes if people think we wrote the resolution because we disliked synod assemblies. Nothing could be further from the truth. I love synod assemblies! I also love long retreats and full weeks at our outdoor ministry sites. I love the ELCA Youth Gathering. I am a product of so many of our Lutheran gathering events and spaces. My faith in the Triune God has been nourished, my soul has been fed, my conscience prodded, my sense of belonging and belovedness nurtured, and my imagination opened by gathering with other Christians.

I helped write the original resolution about regional gatherings because I wanted more people in our synod to have access to those spaces. Generally, only two lay voting members can attend from each church. Who can take off work and who can be away from home for two nights limits who is available to be voting members. We knew, back in 2018, that when we gathered people, as we did for the Treasure Valley Cluster church council leadership retreats, that they all enjoyed being together and learning from one another. That was pre-global-pandemic, so consider our desire now for companionship and knowing we are not following Jesus on our own. Finally, we original authors recognized the financial burden of annual synod assemblies on many congregations. The regional gatherings are less than one-third the cost for food and lodging. There are even more savings when calculating travel costs. Yes, some things are lost in not having synod assembly annually, but I still believe the gains can and will outweigh those losses.

There were around 250 of us in the Tri-cities for Synod Assembly 2023. What if 150-200 people attended each of the regional gatherings in 2024? We would double the number of people who have an experience learning, praying, worshiping, and eating with other Lutheran Christians across our synod! Who in your congregation would like a day with other ELCA Lutheran Christians? Who is ready to be inspired by Grace Pomroy, who cares deeply about congregational life and grounds her work in rich scriptural interpretation and wonderful questions? Who wants to get to know other people in your congregation with a mini-road trip to Twin Falls, Spokane Valley, or Ellensburg? Get ready to register and we will see you this spring.

Bishop Manlove