Flood Relief Funds Needed in the Ulanga Kilombero Diocese, Tanzania

GOAL:  The Northwest Intermountain Synod is working to raise $34,000 to assist our Companion Synod, the Ulanga Kilombero Diocese in Tanzania, as they recover from a severe flood that affected much of East Africa.  Successive heavy rainstorms between March and early May 2024 led to “loss of lives, livelihoods, massive displacements, evacuations and destroyed homes, roads, school buildings, power outages, and outbreaks of disease.” (Report from Bishop Renard Mtenji)  Crops are destroyed by floods, following two years of crop failures due to drought.  The $34,000 is based on a budget proposed by the UKD.  Congregations are asked to consider a special offering on June 9, earmarked “UKD Flood Relief”.  Individual donations can be made through your congregation or on the Synod website "Donate" button. Congregations may forward the designated funds for flood relief along with their regular mission support.


What these funds will do: the region faces many challenges in fixing severe damage.  This proposal focuses on several goals.  Funds will help pastors replant crops next growing season.  Funds will help schools retain students whose parents have no resources including food.  Funds will also help the Lugala Lutheran Hospital resupply, fix inaccessible roads accessing the hospital, and provide water treatment for nearby communities.         

The Kilombero River Valley is a very large wide flat valley that while remote, is a major agricultural region in Tanzania.  Towns, homes, schools, and churches that might not flood in a “normal” rainy season became inundated during this unprecedented event.  Roads have been heavily damaged and are impassable in places. Drinking water is contaminated.  Latrines are flooded.  The UKD has a long road to recovery.

Fields at the Tumaini Seminary were completely destroyed.  Fortunately, the new wall surrounding the campus reduced damage to buildings.  The road to the Lugala Lutheran Hospital remains impassable except to motorcycles.  Part of the proposal is to improve this road.