Council Members Monthly Check-In

Church Council Checkin

One way we hope to live into being Synod together is gathering those who serve on councils or boards of ministries for a monthly check-in with each other. We meet over Zoom on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm PT/7:30pm MT. These check-ins are an opportunity for members of councils/boards to connect, pray together, share best practices, and more. Depending upon the size of the group, breakout rooms may be used so that people can have more time to share and be heard by others.

Council Members Monthly Check-In takes place on the fourth Tuesday. The Zoom information, which will remain the same for each check-in, is below.

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The Zoom information, which will remain the same for each check-in.

Topic: Council Members Check-In

Meeting ID: 891 7642 9941

Passcode: 881268

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