Take Action This Election Season

100% Voting Communities

Are you looking for ways to encourage voting and civic engagement in your faith community this election year? Are you also looking for community-led support?

If your answers are yes, FAN invites you to join a Network of 100% Voting Faith Communities!

Many faith traditions highlight the importance of voting in preserving community well-being and the common good in democracy. The Network of 100% Voting Faith Communities is a community space to share ideas, tools, and peer support as we collectively build civically engaged multi-faith communities. Whether you are a leader authorized to take action on behalf of your faith community or an individual willing to organize your faith community to participate, you are invited! Please read more information on this document and fill out the form to join the network. You can also access our newly launched Voting & Civic Engagement page.

We will offer monthly zoom meetings through the summer to stay engaged as a network. We welcome individuals and communities interested and committed to getting out the vote in their faith community and beyond.

The following online meetings have been scheduled:

Tues. June 18th 12-1pm (coming up! Register Here)

  • Tues. July 23rd 12-1pm

  • Tues. August 20th 1-2pm

The focus of the meetings will be on supporting organizing, voter registration, and mobilization in your community.

We are committed to voicing the values from multi-faith traditions in the electoral process and we hope you will be part of this movement!

Join Here