Saturday, March 22, 2025
10:00 AM – 11:15 AM PDT / 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM MDT
This EcoFaith Zoom event is for everyone who wants to:
Be inspired by stories of ministry sites engaging in creation care
Create energy within your congregation for people to come together around a shared love of creation, especially the beauty and bounty of the northwest intermountain region
Connect with others in our synod who are caring for creation in ways informed by the context of their ministry site
What Is “EcoFaith?” Since time immemorial, the tribes of this region have cared for the land where we live, work, and worship. We add our efforts to theirs under the name EcoFaith. “Eco-,” rooted in the Greek word “oikos,” which means household, is at the heart of our call to be stewards (“oikos-nomos” in the Christian Scriptures). Through EcoFaith, we seek to faithfully manage the household (i.e., the economy) of our ministry sites for the good of all life within the household of God’s creation (i.e., the ecosystem).
For questions or more information, contact
EcoFaith Action Network is an ad-hoc ministry
of the ELCA Northwest Intermountain Synod