Synod E-News · 8/3/2020

Extending Grace
A message from Bishop Kuempel

On our staff Zoom call the other day, we were remarking on the weirdness of time right now. It’s simultaneously stressful, boring, never-ending, and flies by. How is it possible that time can be all those conflicting things simultaneously?

We continue to live under the oppressive shadow of COVID-19.

I confess that I have felt like I have been spinning my wheels in sand. Early on—in March and April—there was a sense of urgency. Information to be distributed, guidance to be offered, congregations to be supported. But in more recent months, we’ve settled into what has become our new normal. Zoom or recorded worship. On-line committee and council and staff meetings. On-line bible study. Our computer and phone screens have become our access to the world as we use them to make contact with those who live outside our “COVID bubbles”. And I’ve wondered: what comes next? Why are we working so hard? What are we paddling this canoe toward? Anything?

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Global Companion Prayer Service · recording available

Global Companion Prayer Service.png

The Global Companion Prayer Service had a higher than anticipated turnout, and we apologize to those who were unable to attend. What a statement of commitment to relationship that we needed more than 100 spaces for this service!

Click here for more information, and to view the recorded service.


I’m Still Here Book Study · Tuesdays
NExt Meeting: August 4, 6-7:30PM (PDT) / 7-8:30PM (MDT)

This on-line discussion group will be the first of several offerings around anti-racism, diversity, and equity that we will be engaging in in the Northwest Intermountain Synod. It will not be easy. It will be uncomfortable. Mistakes will be made. Forgiveness will be given. And learning will continue, because We Walk Together. Read More→

Online! Runway ‘R’ Workshop · September 8 & 15, 2020

This “retirement workshop” isn’t about finances or investments, but about redefining your vision. Visit our events page for more information.

Save the Dates! BishCon2020 · October 19-21, 2020

Due to COVID-19 and the danger of gathering in large groups, the 2020 Bishop’s Convocation for rostered leaders will be held October 19-21, 2020 via Zoom. More details will be coming soon!


Call Status Updates

Call Process Status updates are posted to our website here, and was updated July 30, 2020.