I am filled with hope and energy and ideas after spending a day and half this past week at the inaugural National Tribal Housing Ecosystem Summit organized by Enterprise Community Partners.
The (im)Possible Promise of Enough
“Stewardship in a Box” 2024 is dropping! “The (im)Possible Promise of Enough” is a new resource from our friends at ChurchAnew.org (remember “Lent in a Box”?) and has been updated for this year’s lectionary and focus. “Stewardship in a Box” is an affordable, customizable guide to an annual campaign that takes congregations and their leaders through conversations about faith and finances on Sunday mornings and throughout the week of any given stewardship push.
UKD Trip Report
St. Catherine of Sienna said, “All the way to heaven is heaven.” Most of the way from Dar es Salaam to Ifakara is bumpy and awkward, punctuated with roadside checks along freeways and unpaved paths of varying quality. But even this section of our two-and-half-week pilgrimage to the Ulanga Kilombero Diocese was heavenly, because we saw the face of God everywhere we looked.
Thriving Leadership Cohort Groups Now Forming
Are you looking for a new way to deepen your faith journey or for a deeper connection to God and others? Do you need something different to anchor you to your faith?
Discover a community that goes beyond surface connections.
Join a cohort grounded in spiritual practice—a different way to gather where there's nothing to do but show up.
Council Members Monthly Check-In
Portico Updates
Gatherings for Retired Rostered Leaders
Dwelling in the Word
When I meet with a group of people in the NWIM Synod—whether it is a group of deacons and pastors, a council, call committee, or any other group—more often than not I start that meeting with a spiritual practice called “Dwelling in the Word.” This exercise, which includes prayer, hearing a scripture passage read twice, sharing curiosities and where attentions lie, and wondering together what God might be up to has a way grounding whatever conversation comes next in God’s tender mercy.