$34,000 was forwarded on July 2nd and any additional funds received will be held and shared in the future. Your generosity is exemplary!
UKD Flood Response- Global Mission Team
Pastor Wayne Shipman
On behalf of your NWIM Global Mission Team
Our companion synod, the Ulanga Kilombero Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, has been greatly impacted by severe rains and flooding. Many of you have seen the pictures and video via Facebook posts of the flooding at Lugala Hospital, Tumanini Seminary, the city of Ifakara, and surrounding areas.
Flood Relief Funds Needed in the Ulanga Kilombero Diocese, Tanzania
GOAL: The Northwest Intermountain Synod is working to raise $34,000 to assist our Companion Synod, the Ulanga Kilombero Diocese in Tanzania, as they recover from a severe flood that affected much of East Africa. Successive heavy rainstorms between March and early May 2024 led to “loss of lives, livelihoods, massive displacements, evacuations and destroyed homes, roads, school buildings, power outages, and outbreaks of disease.” (Report from Bishop Renard Mtenji)
ELCA World Hunger Leadership Gathering
Embracing Hope-Taking Action-Moving Forward
Houston, Texas
ELCA’s Slogan is, “Until All are Fed!” From February 1-4, 2024, synod hunger teams from over 50 ELCA synods and other key ELCA World Hunger leaders gathered to celebrate the 50th anniversary of ELCA World Hunger at the 2024 ELCA World Hunger Leadership Gathering.
The Gathering was a diverse assembly of Hunger Leaders with the sole purpose of reducing food insecurity at all levels and in all places.
This event invited leaders for a time of networking, idea sharing, learning and planning for the shared ministry to address hunger and its root causes in our local and global communities.
The gathering centered on 1 Peter 4:10 and the theme “Embracing Hope — Taking Action — Moving Forward.”
Sunshine Evetts from Hope Lutheran in Eagle, Idaho, Ryan Lawrence from Cameron Emmanuel in Kendrick, Idaho, and Pastor Ethan Bergman from Ellensburg, Washington represented the Northwest Intermountain Synod at the Gathering.
In addition to celebrating the work of ELCA World Hunger, Sunshine, Ryan and Ethan met with other representatives from synods in Region 1 to discuss ways of sharing resources and expertise among the Region. Region 1 is Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana.
ELCA World Hunger runs out of funding before we run out of ministries and hunger issues to support. In response to this need, Sunshine, Ryan, and Ethan discussed NWIM Synod World Hunger goals for the coming year.
The goals set are to increase Synod wide giving to ELCA World Hunger to over $200,000 in the coming year; to increase the number of NWIM Synod Congregations giving to ELCA World Hunger from the current 32 to over 50 congregations in the coming year; to provide ELCA World Hunger education materials directly to an identified group of ELCA Churches that do not currently give to ELCA World Hunger.
If you have questions concerning ELCA World Hunger please contact Pastor Ethan Bergman at bergmane25@gmail.com.
Region 1 - Disaster Preparedness and Response
Read Hammer and Dance Newsletter here.
ELCA World Hunger
ELCA Domestic Hunger Grants
Congratulations to Yakima Union Gospel Mission for receiving a Domestic Hunger Grant for the 2022-2024 three-year period! Many thanks to Christ Lutheran Church, Yakima for working closely with Yakima UGM to accompany those benefiting from this ministry.
Yakima Union Gospel Mission joins Shalom Ministries of Spokane, who received a three-year Domestic Hunger Grant in 2021 with support to accompany those in need in Spokane. Shalom Ministries works closely with St. Mark Lutheran, Spokane.
We are church together, working toward a just world where all are fed.
ELCA World Hunger Domestic Hunger Grants accompany congregations and their partners throughout the United States and Caribbean as they draw on the strengths of communities to address local issues such as food security, clean water, housing, job readiness, human rights, policy change, leadership development and more. Together, these ministries are part of a comprehensive approach to breaking the cycle of poverty and hunger — for good.
Including Yakima Union Gospel Mission ELCA World Hunger gives thanks that 57 ministries across the ELCA have been recommended for 2022 ELCA World Hunger Domestic Hunger grants for a total 3-year (2022-2024) investment of over $1,000,000.
Join us in celebrating these transformative, holistic, and integrated ministries that are casting a vision of God’s just world where all are fed in each of their communities through their work and relationships.
The 57 ministries awarded 2022 Domestic Hunger Grants (majority 3-year awards) will join 85 current Domestic Hunger Grants awarded in 2020 and 2021 that are already at work including Shalom Ministries, Spokane, WA.
The total award list is posted here.
This year’s timetable for DHG applications starts with registration from March 18- May 6, 2022. Applications are then accepted from April 11 until May 20, 2022; Application review occurs from June through October. DHG Award announcements will occur in November, 2022.
Big Dream Grants
Twelve ministries have been awarded Big Dream grants of up to $75,000 each, representing more than $1.4 million in investment from ELCA World Hunger. Responding to this moment of opportunity for significant and immediate action with our partners across the ELCA, these grants will support projects promoting access to affordable housing, racial equity, intersections of agriculture with faith, and more. Together, these “Big Dreams” will demonstrate the powerful collective possibilities for this church to impact domestic hunger and poverty.
Daily Bread Matching Grants
In addition to Domestic Hunger Grants, ELCA World Hunger also offers the opportunity to apply for Daily Bread Matching Grants. These matching grants support congregations and their partners as they work toward a just world where all are fed. ELCA congregations with feeding ministries are eligible to participate.
As part of the ELCA’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, ELCA World Hunger Daily Bread Matching Grants will be made available to congregations on a first-come, first-served basis as they provide daily bread for neighbors in need. Registrations and applications for 2023 Daily Bread Matching Grants wil open April 25, 2022. Visit ELCA.org/dailybread to learn more!
ELCA World Hunger is Transformative
Transformative ministries work to break down barriers, reduce inequality and build strong relationships that can move us toward a just world where all are fed. Transformative ministries build relationships across the lines that divide our communities with an eye toward justice for all. This might look like projects focused on reducing disparities based on race, gender, economic status, sexuality or citizenship.
ELCA World Hunger is Holistic
The ELCA is called to be both a serving and a liberating presence in the world, meeting the immediate needs of neighbors through mercy and working for long-term, systemic change through advocacy. For example, many holistic ministries start with food — and then address the broader challenges that lie at the root of hunger and poverty. Holistic ministries may address these root causes by creating opportunities for people facing hunger to advocate for meaningful policy change, or they may organize the people most affected for collective community action.
Hear about Holistic Feeding Ministries
ELCA World Hunger is Integrated
Integrated ministries draw on the many strengths of communities to respond to need in multiple, related ways. Maybe this means providing food for families while advocating for affordable housing, building case management into a financial literacy program, or providing safe space for people who are vulnerable while offering job readiness assistance. Addressing multiple causes of hunger and poverty through integrated services can make ministries and projects more sustainable and effective.
Read the story of Table Grace Café, an integrated ministry in Omaha, Nebraska
ELCA World Hunger promotes the presence of God in all of creation because we are church together, working toward a just world where all are fed.
Global Mission Newsletter | February
For two years, as the world has reeled from the effects of a deadly pandemic, we have seen the number of hungry people around the world rise, watched as food pantries and soup kitchens expanded to serve an ever-growing number of guests, and longed for the time when we “will hunger no more, and thirst no more … and God will wipe away every tear from [our] eyes” (Revelation 7:16).
Thank you for all you are doing in your congregation and community to continue God’s work and to share the grace and love of Christ. We invite you to continue your work by connecting your congregation to the church’s global work to end hunger and poverty during ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving, which begins on Ash Wednesday, March 2.
Global Mission Newsletter | January
After our Companion Synod partnership was formed, Bishop Keller and his wife Betty went to visit Ulanga Kilombero. While there, Betty developed a passion for the girls to be able to go to secondary school that at the time cost $150 for a year. She found that it was sometimes more than a family made in a year and if they did make enough to send a child, a son would have priority. She brought her concern to the Synod Women’s Organization at our next convention after they came back. From that our women’s board developed a plan to raise that $150 each for 10 girls to continue their education.