COVID 19 Message · 3/6/2020

We have received a few inquiries regarding COVID-19, or Novel Coronavirus.

We currently have only a few folks in the synod (as far as I am aware) who have been affected by this, but I anticipate that number will rise.

Bishop Shelley Bryan Wee has done a LOT of work around this, as Seattle is Ground Zero for the coronavirus in the United States. I didn't see a reason to reinvent the wheel when she's done such a great job already.

Please remember: the very best way to protect yourself from this virus is to wash your hands as frequently as you can. If you cannot use soap and warm water, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer is a good option. FYI: Vodka does NOT have the appropriate level of alcohol to effectively kill the virus, so be cautious of any "make your own hand sanitizer" recipes that are are floating around on social media.

if your congregation serves communion by intinction, I STRONGLY recommend you consider a different method of distribution. Even common cup is less germy than intinction, which has been shown to be the best way to pass bugs around a congregation. I remind you that our Lutheran sacramental theology believes that the benefits of communion exist fully in both the bread and the wine, so if you choose to receive only bread: you have received all the benefits the sacrament offers you.

Wipe down all door handles & other frequently-touched surfaces.

If you feel at all sick, do not go out into public. Call the CDC or your health care provider for more information on next steps.

This disease seems to be most dangerous for the elderly and the immunocompromised of our communities. There is no judgment in staying home and protecting these vulnerable folks, EVEN STAYING HOME FROM WORSHIP. Many of our congregations live-stream their worship services, and you can connect to a worship event in that way, if you simply must have that time to anchor your week. I would ask if your congregation does livestream that you would post a link in the comments of this post so that people who might need to stay home can easily access a worship service to attend remotely.

God bless you all in these days of uncertainty. I remind you that God is faithful to us, and that God's perfect love casts out all fear.