Wenatchee for Immigrant Justice Education opportunities

Wednesday February 23, 7-8pm,   Alma Castillo from L&I will speak about services available and how to access them. Bilingual presentation by Zoom. We will send the link before the event.

Wednesday March 9, 6-7:15pm. Stephen Yim, Wage and Hour Division of US Dept. of Labor, will speak by Zoom on federal laws for migrant and seasonal workersThis will be bilingual. We encourage workers and those who support farmworkers to attend and ask questions. Email wenatcheeij@gmail.com to request registration information.

Building Bridges Workshop: 

Cultural Self-Awareness & Competency and Understanding the Dynamics of Intolerance and Racism by Alex Schmidt. Wenatchee Valley College, Friday and Saturday, March 25 and 26.  Course content information Download flyer HERE

Workshop is in English, cost is free along with course materials. Participation limited to 30 people with attendance at both days requested, COVID vaccinations and precautions required.