May 3, 2025
online via zoom
On May 3, 2025, we will gather under the theme Wellsprings of God’s Love. Together we will pray, learn, conduct elections, pass budgets and vote on memorials and resolutions.
Synod Assembly Voting members include:
Congregation members elected by their congregation
Ordained ministers on the roster of this synod and registered for the Assembly
Members of the Synod Council
Synodically Authorized ministers of the NWIM Synod
Full communion rostered leaders serving a ministry site in the NWIM Synod
You must register to be a voting member
The registration fee is $50 per person. Congregations should register their voting members.
Payment can be by credit card (online) or check (offline).
Pre-Assembly material will be provided to registered voting members prior to the assembly.
Assembly information updates will be posted on the synod website:
Each voting member will receive a Zoom link for an Orientation Session and the Assembly.
To submit Video Mission Moments
Key Dates
March 14 – Deadline for resolutions, memorials, and nominations
March 31 – Registration will close.
April 24 - Assembly Orientation: 6:30pm Pacific/7:30pm Mountain on Zoom
April 26 - Assembly Orientation: 9:00am Pacific/10:00am Mountain on Zoom
April 28 –an Assembly Orientation 6:30pm Pacific/7:30pm Mountain on Zoom
April 26 – Information Sessions on the budget and any resolutions/memorials that are submitted by the March 14th deadline will take place throughout the day. A schedule of the Information Sessions will be sent out in April.
Important Technology Information:
Each voting member will need to have their own device (computer/tablet/mobile device) to log into the Zoom meeting for the Synod Assembly.
Each voting member will need to register with a unique email address for assembly and be able to access that email from the device they will be using to join the meeting.
Voting members will need to attend one of the Synod Assembly orientations.
Voting members should ensure Zoom is installed and fully updated before the day of Assembly.
A reliable internet connection.
Mary J. Streufert Bio
Video Mission Moments Invitation
The deadline for video submissions is March 31, 2025