We read with great dismay that the Aryan Freedom Network, a white supremacist group, is having a gathering on March 12 at Hayden Lake and has said that part of their purpose is to identify "things we can do to make our communities a little better." That a poster for this event includes a swastika and the words "keep Idaho white" shows clearly that their vision for "a little better" is one that is in opposition to both the American ideals expressed in our Declaration of Independence and enshrined in our Constitution, and totally against the values of Christianity.
Preparing for Lent
We enter into the Lenten season in a few days. Are you ready? Have you made plans for these 40 days already? Or on Ash Wednesday does the imposition of ashes remind you to embark on this journey with setting some intentions? However you prepare and plan for Lent, this season offers you the opportunity for deepening your spiritual life in Christ.
"She" + Coaching
Share Your Memories - Holden Evening Prayer
Portico Updates for February, 2022
New Director for Consultation to Clergy
The Board of Directors is thrilled to announce that Pr. Laurin Vance is the new Executive Director of Consultation to Clergy.
Pastor Vance brings an impressive portfolio of walking with others in a difficult time. In addition to being a rostered pastor in the ELCA, Laurin is also a certified Conflict Mediation Facilitator.